Quarto Extensions

Extensions are a powerful way to modify and extend the behavior of Quarto. Below is a listing of available extensions (please let us know if you have an extension you’d like to see added to the list).

See the articles on Creating Extensions to learn how to develop your own extensions.

Custom Formats

Name Description Author
academic-typst A clean Typst template for academic manuscripts Kazuharu Yanagimoto
aog-article PDF format for high quality academic manuscripts Aaron Gullickson
awesomecv-typst Quarto Typst template for the Awesome CV Kazuharu Yanagimoto
bookup HTML format providing light and dark themes and suitable for documents, books and websites juba
clean-typst A minimalistic presentation theme for Quarto + Typst by Touying Kazuharu Yanagimoto
diaquarto easy slides via typst and the diatypst package - sensible defaults, easy syntax, well styled marten
fancy-doc A PDF format that brings LaTeX’s fancyhdr package into Quarto for miscellaneous documents. DamonCharlesRoberts
hikmah-pdf Opinionated PDF format with support to biblatex-chicago and more. andrewheiss
inrae INRAE formats for HTML, PDF, Docx, Revealjs, and Beamer davidcarayon
invoice-typst Quarto Typst template extension to make invoices. Mickaël CANOUIL
letter-pdf PDF format for creating letters. Mickaël CANOUIL
lumo A clean and minimalist HTML custom format Holtz Yan
PrettyPDF Quarto extension to generate a PDF with (pretty) LaTeX styling. Nicola Rennie
quarto-letter A Quarto extension for generating PDF letters using Typst or LaTeX Jörg große Schlarmann
quarto-live WebAssembly powered ‘live’ formats for Quarto HTML documents and Revealjs slides, adding interactive code blocks and exercises for R and Python. George Stagg
quarto-preprint A clean but opinionated Typst format for preprint submissions. Also includes a minimal MS Word format. Matti Vuorre
sketchy-html Sketchy HTML document using Rough Notation schochastics
stanford Unofficial Stanford University Themes for HTML, Revealjs, and Beamer James Joseph Balamuta
texnative Modern customizable Latex based PDF Format for creating clean Business Reports, Quotations, Letters etc… with corporate identity. Pim Snel
titlepage-pdf PDF format with custom title page or book cover. nmfs-opensci
Tufte-Inspired Manuscript template inspired by the style of the books from Edward R. Tufte Fred Guth
blackboard-revealjs Blackboard like format for Revealjs schochastics
clean-revealjs A minimal and elegant theme for reveal.js, inspired by modern Beamer templates. Grant McDermott
coeos-revealjs Dark grey / white based format for Revealjs Mickaël CANOUIL
illinois-revealjs University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign inspired theme for the reveal.js format based on Metropolis. James Joseph Balamuta
metropolis-revealjs Beamer Metropolis like format for Revealjs. Shafayet Khan Shafee
nes-revealjs NES.css format for Revealjs EmilHvitfeldt
onyxia-revealjs Onyxia format for Revealjs InseeFrLab
rladies-revealjs R-Ladies format for Revealjs beatrizmilz
rlille-revealjs R Lille (R User Group) format for Revealjs Mickaël CANOUIL
storybook-revealjs Medieval inspired format for Revealjs Mickaël CANOUIL
uaz-revealjs University of Arizona inspired theme for revealjs CCT Data Science Team
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